
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Five For Friday (on a Saturday)

This is my first ever linky party. Thanks for playing along!

I'm in love with my Fitbit Flex. I'm now much more aware of how my perception of how much I move and the reality are too far apart. I love how it is making me more accountable. Now if I can get to the pool and the gym...

I am going through major homesickness for Okinawa. As you may be aware Okinawa just survived its first typhoon of the season. I'm so thankful my friends are safe. Neoguri looks like it was far more severe than any typhoon we experienced while on island. Okinawa grabs your heart and forever occupies a part of your soul. 

 My husband and I just bought our first house. We are super excited and super consumed with moving in. We have two young children who thankfully have had Vacation Bible School this week so we are taking FULL advantage of the three hours in the evening to unpack boxes and organize our new home. I wish I could snap my fingers and have everything in its new place. We could use about three more weeks of VBS.

I NEED to visit our family's summer cottage in Wisconsin ASAP. It's my happy place and I'm seriously considering just taking off next week with the kids.  I haven't been able to go nearly as often as I'd like since my son was born so I'm hoping to get up there at least twice this season.

I'm moving to a new school this year and I stopped by the classroom today.  The previous teacher had been there for 21 years and actually taught when I was a fifth grader at the same school. I spotted my third grade reading series in the room and actually knew several of the kids who had the books back when they were in third grade.  How crazy!   It appears that I'll move classrooms later in the school year after construction is completed on some new rooms within the school. I haven't even thought of my game plan for the new classroom. That can be tackled in the upcoming weeks. 

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